Monday, October 15, 2012

What are the Lung Cancer Staging

If you are diagnosed with lung cancer, your physician will probably tell you what stage your  lung cancer is. Lung cancer staging will find out which treatment or medication interventions will be utilized and probability of long-term prognosis.

Moreover, the American Joint Committee on Cancer proposed a system in 1973 for lung cancer based on the system of TMN that was first projected by Denoix in 1946. The system for lung cancer staging was amended in 1986 and in 1997. Also, this scheme is NOT used for small cell lung cancer.

Here are the Lung Cancer Staging and their descriptions:

 Stage IA and Stage IB
  •  Stage I were separated in to A and B in 1997. All Stage I lung cancer is entirely enclosed within the lung with no proof of lymph node connection or metastases. Stage IA have a tumor of below three centimeters, while Stage IB have a tumor of more than three centimeters and are pretty attacking surround local parts. Non-small cell lung cancer of Stage IA consists of 13 percent of recently diagnosed lung cancer while Stage IB consists of 23 percent.

Stage IIA
  •  The disease in this stage is described as T1, N1 and M0, which means that a.) The tumor is below three centimeters with no proof of attack into the main airway b.) There is association of local lymph nodes on the similar side of peribronchial, intrapulmonary and hilar and c.) There is no metastasis to other parts like brain or liver.

Stage IIB
  •  The lung cancer in this stage is described as T2, N1, M0 or T3, N0, M0.
  • T2, N1, M0 means that there is a tumor that is more than three centimeters, involves the main airway, it also occupies the nearby tissue of other local human organs and it is inquisitive with the role of the lung like partial collapse.
  • On the other hand, T3, N0, M0 means that there is a tumor that is occupying the structures of chest center or chest wall. There is no involvement of lymph node and also there is no metastasis.

1 comment:

  1. Green tea is a healthy drink and it protects the people from symptoms of cancer.
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