Sunday, June 7, 2020

Living a Healthy Life

In the fast-paced world that we live in it can be easy to neglect our health and wellness. We’re so busy racing through our day to day lives – family, friends, work, social engagements – that we don’t take the time to look after ourselves. It’s really no wonder that so many of us are tired and run down. What are some simple things that we can do to improve our quality of life?

Drink Drink Drink..

You’ve heard it a million times and you’ll probably hear it a million more – drink more water!

Think about it: The human body is 72% water. A 5% drop in fluids creates a 25-30% loss in energy. A 15% drop in fluids causes death! At this point in time, 66% of us aren’t drinking enough water, so over half the population isn’t running on all six cylinders, to begin with – before things like bad air, bad food, and stress take their toll. 

It’s not really a difficult thing to remedy. Just drink one glass of water every half hour or so – or 10-12 glasses of water per day – and you’ll notice a huge jump in your energy levels.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

12 Ways To Be Healthier

Want to lose weight, sleep better, and boost your immune system? 

1. Have a lie-down 
Back pain can be avoided and the damage repaired with one easy exercise, which is lie down on the floor with your knees bent, hip-width apart, feet on the floor. Do this daily for about five to fifteen minutes to release and lengthen your spine. 

2. Note your nibbles 
Crash diets don't work long enough; instead, maintain a food diary to note your daily eating habits. With this, you'll be conscious of what you eat and make healthier choices. 

3. 10 deep breaths 
Our breath power our lymphatic system, which removes waste from cells. By taking 10 deep breaths, three times a day, you'll clear more toxins and boost your thinking power by getting 20% more oxygen to your brain. 

4. Put your fork down 
Put your fork down between every mouthful of food, it makes you chew your food properly, preventing digestive problems, and also prevents you from overeating. 

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Candida Diet - SECRET Dietary Treatment Revealed

Adhering to a well-defined candida diet is the first move for dealing with yeast infections. Recent research indicates that the right diet plan may be highly effective in preventing certain health problems and chronic diseases, including Candida infections. Before discussing the connection between candida diet and its impact on yeast infection, we’ll take a quick look at what candida infection is and discuss the specific conditions that bring it on.

Candida is the scientific name for single-cell microbes to be found in small amounts in most areas of
the human body: the intestines, the genitals, the mouth, etc. Although in the body that is healthy these microbes are kept in check by beneficial bacteria and an operational immune system, a combination of certain conditions can wreck this healthy balance. Candida can grow out of control and take on a root-like structure to damage the mucous membranes of the gut, invading the bloodstream and causing the well-known symptoms related to yeast infection. As these microbes are mobile and can reach different parts of the body, systemic as well as a local yeast infection can occur.

There are many factors that bring on yeast infection. Some of these factors are related closely to food. Observing diet plans that can prevent yeast infection from spreading is the first and one of the basic moves in and make to holistic Candida therapy. Adhering to the following diet rules, in combination with other nutrition and lifestyle principles, can bring positive results to your general health and particularly to your yeast infection problem:

Friday, May 1, 2020

Yeast Infection Knowledge - The Truth Behind Your Yeast Infection

Educating yourself about your candida infection is the first and most important step in curing this
painful, annoying and relatively dangerous chronic conditions and taking responsibility over your health and well-being.

Although yeast infection (known by the names of Candida, Monilia or Thrush) is, in fact, a very common condition, (as three out of four women develop it at some point in their lifetimes), it is little discussed. Most people regard candida infection as a superficial condition that should be treated with creams and antibiotics whereas few are aware of its potentially risky complications.

Yeast Infection is first and foremost an internal problem. Like most chronic conditions, there is never one cause for this fungal problem and thus yeast infection cannot be permanently eliminated using medications or creams that work superficially and fail to tackle the root factors that trigger the formation of candida infection in the first place.

The problem is that the majority of yeast infection sufferers choose to leave it in the hands of others: Doctors, pharmacists, drug and over the counter industries. They willingly choose NOT to take responsibility for their candida condition, for their health and for their own body.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The road to health and fitness

Walking towards health and fitness is not really the hard job that everybody seems to think it is. When you really think about it, the hard part is often the start. Afterward, everything else will be easier once you really get the hang of it. All it takes is discipline and commitment.

Below are some tips on how to get a head start on your road to health and fitness. Read each one and you’ll realize that it is actually easier to undertake. You just need to take the first few steps.

1. Start small If your favorite dish is something that your doctor asked you to avoid, there is no sense in skipping it altogether and then binging on the dish when you can’t take the abstinence anymore. Take moderate steps towards the goal. If you eat the dish every day, try to cut down on your consumption and make it just three times a week. IF you have managed that, cut down further and make it once a week. That way, you are able to still enjoy the food and not increase your craving for it.

2. Plan modestly Set goals for yourself but that does not mean that you have to kill yourself to get it and when you don’t you’ll also kill yourself. Setting too high goals will often only lead to disappointment and frustration. When you plan, make sure that you can do it. How will you know? Be realistic. You know what you are capable of. It is better to set goals for yourself that you know you can do. Accomplishing them will give you a sense of achievement that will make you more confident and more willing to continue with your task.